Vessel Documentation Plaque Made from Teak

Vessel Documentation Plaque Made from Teak - Meets USCG Hull Identification Requirements

Vessel Documentation Plaque Made from Teak

Item #: P3201

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Vessel Documentation Plaque Made from Teak - - is the solid teak 20" x 4.5" boat documentation board that meets the US Coast Guard requirements for documented vessels. Custom made for you in the USA.
  • A Boat Documentation plate displays the identification number assigned to boat hulls by the United States Coast Guard.
    • 46 C.F.R. § 67.121 is the official number marking requirement and states: "The official number of the vessel, preceded by the abbreviation "NO." must be marked in block-type Arabic numerals not less than three inches in height on some clearly visible interior structural part of the hull. The number must be permanently affixed to the vessel so that alteration, removal, or replacement would be obvious. If the official number is on a separate plate, the plate must be fastened in such a manner that its removal would normally cause some scarring of or damage to the surrounding hull area." Permanent installation would therefore require screws and adhesive.
  • Comfort House recommends coating the back of your documentation plate with 3M™ Marine Adhesive Sealant 5200 (Comfort House item #: P2613) and then screwing the plaque to a stringer or bulkhead where it would be readily visible for inspection and also make for a permanent installation.
    • A permanently affixed engraved plaque does comply with the Coast Guard requirements.
  • Manufactured of reforested teak imported directly to our production facility from Costa Rica.
  • Teak wood has an abundance of natural oils and rubber locked right into the tight grain of the wood that remain even after being felled and processed.
      Because of this, teak has greater naturally weather-resistant properties than just about any other type of wood.
    • What's more, the oils and rubber protect the heart of the wood from invaders like fungi and parasites that can destroy other woods without application of weatherproof oils and treatments.
  • Characters are permanently engraved into plaque, not painted or printed on. Small image above right shows a better view of the engraving detail.
  • Supplied with four 3/16" mounting holes and stainless screws.
  • Exposed top edges are neatly rounded to give a finished look as shown in the thumbnail photo.
  • Dimensions: 20"W x 4.5"H x 1/2".
  • Color: natural teak wood.
  • NOTE: Wood is a natural material and therefore may have inconsistent color tones and grain patterns.
  • Comfort House P3201.
Q: Is "NO." automatically included on the plaque?
A: Yes
Q: Can you make this same plaque with my boat name or other markings?
A: Yes, up to 10 characters, and in custom sizes for longer names. For up to 10 characters enter the word special in the Vessel Number field and enter your wording and/or numbers in the comments area of the order form. For more than 10 characters, please contact us using the Request Custom Quote link at the top of this page.
Q: Can you make this plaque with Canadian vessel documentation requirements?
A: Yes, please see our Canadian Vessel Registry Plate (Comfort House item #: P3190).

Client's also ask us for this item by all of the following names: Coast Guard registration plaque, USCG vessel placard, Coast Guard vessel documentation plaque, Coast Guard documentation plaque, USCG documentation number plaque, Coast Guard documentation number plate, USCG numbers plaque, Coast Guard documentation board, boat documentation board, boat documentation sign, documentation board, Coast Guard documented vessel sign, hull identification number sign, and HIN sign.


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