Personalized Message Stakes for Yard and Garden

Personalized Message Stakes For Garden Name, Property Statement, No Parking, Lot Number, Mini Yard Sign, Etc.

Personalized Message Stakes for Yard and Garden

Item #: J0283

Personalized on one or both sides: 
Pick face color: 
Stock Status: 
Delivery Time
Message Stakes can be used for your garden name, plant identification, property statement, lot number, or any other message. For instance, JULIES GARDEN or NO PARKING.

16"-long black stake is fabricated from non-rusting UV-stabilized 1/4" thick laminated acrylic plastic. Then it is personalized in the face color you select, in all capital silhouette cut-out characters.
  • Your message may be up to 16 characters and can appear on one or both sides.
  • Capital letters only. Sorry, no punctuation and any punctuation entered will be removed when order is made (for instance, no apostrophe s as in JULIE'S GARDEN).
  • Letters are .375" tall.
  • Dimensions: 16"H x approximately .75"W x 1/4" thick
  • Face colors: orange (shown in main illustration), sky blue; white; brushed gold; brushed stainless; evergreen; red; and yellow.
  • Also available in white reflective.
  • When looking at color chart, refer to main color only, not the character color. The main color will be the face color. Reverse color of one sided stakes will be black.
  • Custom made to order.
  • Comfort House J0283.
Some messages used by clients include: Organic Garden, No Fertilizers, Keep Off The Grass, Happy Birthday, I Love You, Butterfly Garden, Path Ahead, Please Don't Litter, Dogs Welcome, Welcome, Peace On Earth, No U Turn, Curb Your Dog, and No Dog Poop.


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