Kay Home Products SH44857 Threshold

Kay Home Products SH44857 Threshold

Kay Home Products SH44857 Threshold

Item #: SH44857F

Kay Home Products replacement part SH44857. Threshold for Casita screenhouse with 40" panel.

Illustration above is representative only and does not display threshold. For Casita 21065.


(Comfort House site testimonial) Our first one of these ordered from Comfort House 10 years ago would not warm up like it once did. Very pleased that it lasted for 10 years being on the bed for about 6 months every year, washed and stored for the summer. Didn't hesitate to order the same again and am amazed at the difference. Turn it one preheat about 1/2 hour before bedtime and then usually turn it off. So nice to crawl in a toasty warm bed every night. One note, it really does get hot on preheat, so use caution with older folks or children. Carol- Rocky Mount, VA February 1, 2019
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