Model Railroad Sign

Model Railroad Sign

Model Railroad Sign

Item #: J0586

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New model railroad sign - our first sign with text engraved in two different colors! White background with characters that can be engraved in black and yellow or yellow background with characters that can be engraved in black and red.

Only 1"W x .25"H. Unlike our usual 1/32" thick acrylic self adhesive model railroad signs, this is a thicker 1/16" acrylic without adhesive back for glue on application.

Text is permanently engraved, not printed on.

Design your own. Made to order. Comfort House # J0586.

Summary: 1x.25 two color text train sign


I was sketchy at first because I had never heard of Comfort House, but boy did they amaze me! Super fast shipping and awesome products. I couldn't be happier! M.N.-Berwyn, IL
Established 1991. Our 34th Year. Thank you for supporting small business.
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