Marine Radio Identification Label - Also For Aviation, Ham, Military, Emergency Transmitters

Marine Radio Identification Label - Also For Aviation, Ham, Military, Emergency Transmitters

Marine Radio Identification Label - Also For Aviation, Ham, Military, Emergency Transmitters

Item #: J0440
Average Customer Rating: (5 out of 5 based on 2 reviews)
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Name and identification label for marine radio, aviation radio, ham radio, military radio, police and fire command radio, emergency management communication center consoles, and other transmitters. Totally customizable label with permanent adhesive backing. Made in USA.

You may wish to add to your label a vessel name, maritime mobile service identify (MMSI and DSC numbers), call signs, maritime radio operator license number, etc. Also used for emergency contact names and phone numbers.

Made from sturdy, UV-stabilized non-rusting laminated acrylic with rounded corners, and engraved personalization of your choice. This is not a foil label but a flexible acrylic that will conform to flat and moderately curved surfaces. Characters are permanently engraved, not painted or printed on.
  • Each label holds up to four lines of wording.
  • Each line holds up to fifteen (15) 0.250" characters or up to twenty six (26) approximately 0.150" characters. Character count includes spaces and punctuation.
  • Label dimensions: 1.5"H x 3.5"W x 1/32".
  • Each label has a weather resistant, self-adhesive backing and will stick to almost any dry, clean surface.
  • Eight color combinations: sky blue with white; black with white; white with black characters; brushed gold with black characters; brushed stainless with black characters; evergreen with white characters; red with white characters; and yellow with black characters.
  • Made to order.
  • Comfort House J0440.
If your label has special requirements, please use the Request Custom Quote link at the top of this page on a desktop or in the menu bar of a mobile device.

Product Reviews

  Exactly what I needed,
Posted By: - verified customer   Location: Fort lidersle   How often do you shop at Comfort House: first time
Simple,cheap,quick delivery….happy with the product and it will serve its purpose.
  Perfect call sign plate for our radio station,
Posted By: - verified customer   Location: Northern Alabama   How often do you shop at Comfort House: occasionally
The plate is a perfect fit on our boat's radio station. It will certainly help us when on the radio to get the call sign and the very important MMSI call correct. Thanks


(Comfort House site testimonial) I received my house address sign yesterday and it looks great! It has exceeded my expectations, as it's a really high quality product. I'll be highly recommending your house address signs to others. Also thanks for expeditious email responses, very much appreciated. Randy, Hawaii February 10, 2021
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