Personalized Life Ring With Your Boat Name, Family Pool Name, or Any Custom Text

Personalized Life Ring With Your Boat Name, Family Pool Name, or Any Custom Text

Personalized Life Ring With Your Boat Name, Family Pool Name, or Any Custom Text

Item #: J0150
Average Customer Rating: (5 out of 5 based on 3 reviews)
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Line 2 Bottom text (all caps):
Optional Add-Ons
Life Ring Hanging BracketLife Ring Hanging Bracket $14.99
Rail Mount Life Ring Buoy BracketRail Mount Life Ring Buoy Bracket $26.99
Anchor Line - Life Ring Buoy RopeAnchor Line - Life Ring Buoy Rope $16.99
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Life ring buoy with your own words - - US Coast Guard approved 20" life ring for pools / life ring for boats. great for pools, boats, yachts, docks, shoreline patios, beach houses, and decks. Makes a great housewarming gift.
  • US Coast Guard Regulations require any boat 16 feet and longer (except canoes and kayaks) to carry at least one throw-able (Type IV) flotation device.
  • Our 20"commercial ring buoy type IV personal flotation device is a USCG approved throw-able device for all vessels and for around any swimming pool or body of water. The integral attached cord around the edges is an assist in holding on to the ring.
  • Polystyrene foam buoyant material provides a minimum buoyant force of 16.5 lbs.
  • US Coast Guard approval number 160.050/48/2. Marine UL listed.
  • Personalized with your own text. Top and bottom sections hold up to eight (8) upper case characters including spaces.
  • Characters are manufactured from a premium quality, flexible, gloss vinyl film with a clear permanent adhesive designed for use in architectural signage.
  • Soft, resilient to the touch, and almost indestructible.
  • Soft-tex surface resists weathering and temperature extremes and will not rot or mildew.
  • Art work on each ring individually crafted by our technicians.
  • Color: white life ring with black, blue, red or teal text.
  • Comfort House # J0150.
Our clients also refer to this item as a customized buoy for pool, lifebuoy, lifering, lifesaver, life donut, life preserver or lifebelt, personalized throw ring for boats, personalized life saver, a "kisby ring" or "perry buoy".

Photo Casa Oasis shown submitted by customer John in Nevada.

Note: If there is yellowing in the rope upon delivery it is caused by the double UV inhibitor added during the construction of the rope. If placed outside in the sun, the yellowing goes away.

Not currently available.

Product Reviews

Posted By: - verified customer   Location: Wichita, KS   How often do you shop at Comfort House: first time
This is really neat! My husband is going to LOVE it! It got to me pretty quick! I picked the blue and it looks nice against the white.
  Best Pool Gift,
Posted By: - verified customer   Location: HINGHAM MA   How often do you shop at Comfort House: first time
Gift to my sister for pool season opening day. Turned out great and she really enjoyed the gift. Not only decorative but a fully functioning life ring.
  Personalized Life Ring,
Posted By: - verified customer   Location: Nashville    How often do you shop at Comfort House: first time
Ordered this for my husband for Valentines! He loved that it is Coast Guard approved!! So, not only useful for our boat dock but having the name of our lake personalized on it made this gift even more special. Quality product!!!!


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