Buffer Pad for Electric Shoe Polisher

Buffer Pad for Electric Shoe Polisher

Buffer Pad for Electric Shoe Polisher

Item #: 97849
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Buffer pads are made from 100 percent pure lambs wool hides for use only with Comfort House #97844F, #97846F, and #99425F electric shoe polishers. Depending on usage, you can expect a buffer pad (also called bonnets or brushes) to last for 6 to 12 months.

The dye in the pads is applied during processing, and the colors are purely aesthetic. They contain no special polishes, and the colors do not designate any particular function.

Buffer pads are sold individually and available in red, black, brown, light gray, and dark gray. Note: the red is in the process of transitioning to a burgundy color; we will ship you red or burgundy depending on what the factory ships us.

Not for use with any shoe polisher item # not specified above.

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  good product,
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